AISC Steel Connection Design Program

Civilbay steel connection design program is one of the most comprehensive steel connection design software based on AISC 360-10 and AISC 360-16 code, CSA S16-14 code, all AISC steel design guides and AISC design examples. 1. It's a pure AISC solution which covers 90~95% of steel connections design in most projects, with specific strength on brace connection design including vertical brace, horizontal brace, chevron brace, knee brace, ver. brace to base plate , and wrap around gusset plate design in horizontal brace. 2. It provides detailed sketches and textbook style step by step calculation showing formulas and parameters. In every step it shows the code reference source. As such the user knows how the result is derived and has full control on the calculation. To view a real project demo, visit  AISC Steel Connection Design Real Project Demo To start the program, visit  AISC Steel Connection Design Program

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